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Here you can find a small description and links to some public projects I have worked on. You can give them a peek!
Scalar Representations in Neural Models and its Applications to Artificial Neural Networks
A summary of key concepts
One of the subjects I have passion about is the development of Intelligence, be it looking at how a baby learns, studying about Machine Learning (either new or old papers), psychology or neuroscience I like to keep up to date
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MIDI Encoding Input Domain Study
Analysing the MIDI domain to create a compressed input domain and avoid one-hot encoding
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Exploring Image Autoencoders
Trying different architectures
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Playing with MNIST
Trying different architectures
MNIST is a popular Computer Vision dataset that with today’s technology is already solved, nevertheless is a nice dataset to play with and is still popular for teaching and tutorials.
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Universal Dependencies Dataset Analysis
Statistical Analysis of 91 languages
Universal Dependencies is a multi-lingual treebank in permanent grow that contains annotated language data. I use this dataset to analyze different language parameters.
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