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Experiments with Image Multi Resolution Convolutional Autoencoders

Leonardo M. Rocha

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This notebook presents a study I did in 2018 on Multi Resolution Convolutional Autoencoders where the input image is scaled down and passed as input, and the latent space is composed of the combined latent space of the different Convolutional Encoders.

This experience was meant to be the first step into exploring foveal-like perception but I never created the agent to deal with it (too complex for me at that moment with the knowledge, resources and time available).

The experiment was successful in the sense that I learned about image autoencoders and managed to create different versions.

I leave this code available, the only modifications are just some code adaptations to make it work with pytorch v1.7 as there were a couple of deprecated things.

All the code is available at minibrain

Feel free to play with it if you want to.


There are some tricks in jupyter to do autoreload of the modules when they are modified

The current notebook only contains the parameters I've chosen at the end, but there were many tests done, some examples are left as comments because they give more information on what was tested.

Input and output of the first epoch

input output

Input and output of the last saved epoch

input output